Road Journal
Life SnippetsIt’s 2020 – The Year of Clarity
Wishing everyone lots of insights, perspectives, outlooks, discoveries, adventures, opportunities, wishes, & new chapters for this new decade and brand new year! I am going to take a little break with my blog. See you via my social media channels! ❤️ "The new year...
“Clear the Clutter, Clear the Mind”
We know it to be true. An organized space just feels better. The mind seems calmer and dealing with life a lot more doable. Goals seem easiest to reach and everyday mundane tasks not such a drudgery. Professional organizing is a helpful service which I am now offering...
Fall Fiber Boost
As a caregiver, it is important to be aware that fiber intake is the key to successful aging according to a recent study from Australia. Seniors with the highest intake of fiber had an almost 80% greater chance of living a long and healthy life. Even the scientists...
Bad Day Makeover
When faced with a bad day, do everything you can to make the most of it. At the very least, avoid making it worse. A bad day doesn’t mean you should just throw in the towel. You only have so many days left, so take full advantage of each one. You can accomplish...
Leave the burden of guilt behind
Feelings of guilt are distressing and draining. There doesn’t seem to be a cure. You’ve done or said something you regret. You’re uncomfortable without an obvious solution. What can be done about it now? Get over your guilt with these strategies: Determine if you...
Taking breaks for more happiness & less stress!
The Western world views breaks as a tool to promote laziness. But your effectiveness and efficiency will improve if you take regular breaks. You can work more intently and for more hours each day if you’ll give yourself a break at least once per hour. You won’t just...
Getting a handle on feeling overwhelmed
Do you have so much going on that you feel overwhelmed? A busy life with too many demands can lead to feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Work, family, and other obligations can prove to be too much at times. Working even harder to rectify the situation seems...
Dealing with criticism
Would you rather hear that you have beautiful eyes or that you’re a horrible dancer? Compliments are easy to take. Criticism isn’t quite as easy. But criticism can be invaluable to your long-term success. Criticism is nothing more than advice in disguise. You can...
Building self-worth
Happiness is elusive without a sense of self-worth. If you’re not happy with yourself, how can you be happy about life in general? Self-worth is about believing that you have value as a person. It’s not how you compare to others. It’s your belief in your intrinsic...
Pushing forward when you want to quit!
The most successful people have an uncanny ability to keep going when everyone else would quit. Your success is tied your ability to keep working after you have the urge to quit. Quitting is a bad habit, and it’s often learned at a young age. Learn how to continue...